Monday, January 14, 2013

Free Day in Nanchang

Today was a free day for us.  We slept in until 6:00 (yeah for us!).  The big girls (and one big boy) went for a swim in the pool and then we got ready to go to the giant ferris wheel.  It is called the Star of Nanchang and it is the largest working ferris wheel in China.  It is located in “New Nanchang” across the river from Nanchang.  

When we arrived after a very interesting taxi ride...there is no way to describe how they drive was closed so the girls went on a few smaller amusement rides!  Beautiful views of the new city but too much fog/smog today for good views of the old city.  We then taxied back to Walmart.  Chinese Walmart is again something to be experienced not described.  Sensory over load, the noise level is very high! Items are not always cheap but they are all in one place so it makes it a good destination for us. 

Yesterday we visited Mia’s orphanage.  We went with a driver  and our translator Lily.  We were able to have a great discussion with Lily about China and learned a lot along the way. They welcomed Mia with fire crackers which she said was her favorite part of the visit.  They had signs welcoming us and presented us with a snack of tea, oranges and dragon eye fruit.  The best oranges we have ever had!  They loved seeing the new photos of Mia and looked at the group photos of all the girls in the travel group. They have all the photos we have sent over the years.  Fran and Mary, we delivered your photo album and the Vice Director was very happy to see it. The Director presented Mia with a jade necklace of a sheep because that is the year she was born.  They kept hugging her and holding her hand.  We were able to visit the old and the new orphanage buildings.  There are not babies at Shanggao now, they are all in foster care. The old building is a senior home.  They tried to talk Chinese to Mia and smiled at her alot.  They were concerned with Nina’s fingers in her mouth (a no-no in China).  We then went to the street where Mia lived with her Foster Mother.  We were able to meet the nurse from the orphanage there.  She remembered the girls that lived on the street.  We also met a man and women who remembered the 3 baby girls from Shanggao that lived there. 

Nina is doing well.  She learned to reach and grab her toys...the photo of her and Peter in the car is the first time she reached for a toy.  She is sitting up more and more.  She is saying “mama”, “dada” and “nannan”.  She laughs, smiles and “talks”.

1 comment:

  1. Hello from snowy Shelburne County. Right now, it is SNOWING. Lucas wants to know if you are near the Great Wall of China? Andy wants to know what Mia’s favourite food that she is enjoying? Meadow had a question about animals in China and what animals do they sometimes eat. (I think that she means that perhaps they eat something that we would not consider eating.) Isaac wants to know if Mia can bring some chop sticks back. Delana is anxious for you to return home because the class misses you. Caleb N-A wants to know what you like about China the best? Caleb D wants to know if you made any friends in China? Madison wants to know how to say “Hello” in Chinese? Lindy and Makaila says Hi.
    The class read a short story about explorers today. It was about Kate Harris and her trip to China, Roberta Bondar and her trip to space, Terry Dwyer and his scuba diving for ship wreaks and Colin and Julia Angus about their exploration about the world. The class enjoyed the Ferris Wheel pictures.
    Have a happy week!
